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School Uniform

We are proud of our School Uniform and believe that School Uniform is important as it supports equality and fairness.  At St Aidan’s everyone is unique yet equal and by wearing a school uniform EVERY child feels smart, proud and equal. Our School Uniform gives us an identity and shows that we are proud and ready to learn.


Boys (Reception – Year 6)

Blue School Shirt
St Aidan’s School tie
Grey school trousers or shorts
Royal Blue School Jumper
Plain Black Shoes
Grey Socks

Girls (Reception – Year 6)

Blue School Shirt
St Aidan’s School Tie
Grey School Skirt
Royal Blue School Jumper (or Cardigan)
Plain Black Shoes
White or Grey Socks

Nursery Pupils

Nursery Tracksuit top and bottoms (Royal Blue with St Aidan’s Bunny Rabbit Badge)
Shoes, pumps or trainers with Velcro fasteners

PE Kit

Light Blue T Shirt
Royal Blue Shorts
Trainers and/or black school pumps

A school tracksuit is also available. This is useful during the winter months as we still need to work outdoors and the children feel more comfortable with warm school kit

Children come to school dressed in their school PE kit on their allocated PE day.


We also have a School Coat available and School Book Bags. These are useful additions to the uniform

Please make sure you label your child’s uniform as every year we have a lot of lost property which cannot be returned as it has no name inside.

All School uniform is available from Lisa’s Uniform Shop on East Prescot Road, Knotty Ash or Priory Road, Anfield

Lisa is also often at Kirkby or Great Homer Street Markets

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