We are delighted to inform you that we have registered for Pets As Therapy visits, which can help to give pupils opportunities to increase their confidence and sense of well-being. We have space for a small number of pupils to participate.
If we feel your child would benefit from a Pets As Therapy session you will be contacted directly for permission. Your child will have sessions each term with a Pets As Therapy registered Dog, under the close supervision of the PAT Dog’s owner and a member of the school staff. These dogs are specially registered dogs who normally visit in hospitals, hospices, care homes etc. They will remain on the lead and under control at all times. A member of school staff will lead the sessions and will be present throughout.
Our Pet’s As Therapy dog is a Golden Retriever called River who will be accompanied by his owner Liz. River enjoys strokes, cuddles, sleeping, chasing balls and listening to stories. River will be working to support children’s emotional wellbeing each term. We are hoping that one of River’s colleagues may be able to offer weekly sessions with a reading focus in the future.