Our day started with an assembly for all the children in Reception to Year 6. The focus for the assembly was of course, ‘Share a Story.’

This year we decided not to dress up as story book characters, instead all the children were asked to make a poster of their favourite book or character and bring it into school. The children brought their posters to the assembly and they were amazing! All the posters are on display in the school hall for the next two weeks, if you would like to pop in and see them.

We followed the World Book Day assembly on-line which gave some great ideas as to why it is good to share a story. Then all the teachers read part of a story to the children and they had to guess what book the story extract was from. All had great fun doing this and the children did guess all the stories. The hardest one was from the book, ‘The Sword in the Stone’. A pupil from Year 5 managed to get that one. We had great fun joining in with our favourites like, ‘The Three Little Pigs’ all enjoyed that one.

Throughout the day there were various competitions going on around the school and many prizes were awarded, including the best poster in each class.

All children were either given a book or a World Book Day Token to choose their own book.

Over the next four weeks we will be continuing to ‘Share a Story.’ Each class has their own chart up so that they can keep a running total of how much story sharing they are doing. All totals are collected once a week and put on the chart in the school foyer. It is going to be A LOT!! Yes, there will be a prize for the class with the biggest total.

Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a great day and thank you parents for helping your children with their posters.

Another successful World Book Day!