World Book Day


We have decided to celebrate World Book Day now that we are all back together in school. Those children in school during lockdown did celebrate on the official day in a small way, but we thought it would be better to wait until we were all back together to have our school celebration. Our theme this year is becoming a –


These are just some of the activities that will be happening in school. We would love you to get involved at home too and join in as many as the activities as you can. There are lots of prizes to be won for each class. There are many, many more activities on the World Book Day website, have a look and any activities you do at all, please send in to share with us in order that we can celebrate this day together. Our day is Wednesday but competition entries will not be closed until Friday to give everyone the opportunity to take part.

  1. Read in the STRANGEST PLACES! Take a picture of your child reading in an unusual place. They could be reading whilst making cakes, playing a game of football, talking to a friend etc. Anywhere at all that is unusual. Please take a photo and send it in to school there will be an opportunity to do this through purple mash also.
  2. Write about their favourite story or character.
  3. Draw a new front cover for their favourite book.
  4. Design a book token for next year’s World Book Day.
  5. The ‘Masked Reader’ Staff will read an excerpt from their favourite book and you have to guess the member of staff reading.
  6. RAP competition, how many books can you recognise and name from the RAP.
  7. Scavenger Hunt to be done in class.
  8. Use your World Book Day token to get a new book.

Whatever you decide to do have a great World Book Day!